Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gases and Climate Change

1.) Combustion

Hypothesis: If the oil is evaporation into a gas on the inside of the the bottle, then the gases will ignite and they will shoot out fire.

Observations: When the flame of the lighter was near the end of the bottle, the oil in the bottle ignited and then the bottle shot off of the table about 8 feet.

I now know that gases are everywhere. The greenhouse gases are in everyday things that we see everyday, but we do not realize it. Greenhouse gases act like a jar that keeps in the sun's energy. These gases make Earth a sustainable place to live. That is called the nature greenhouse effect. The atmosphere absorbs the sun's heat and then the ground absorbs the heat and sends the heat back into space.

2.) CO2 gas

Hypothesis: If the gases are released from the bottle and the fire ignites it, then the gas will create a flame.

Observations: When the vinegar and the baking soda combined, then they produced CO2. When the CO2 was surrounding the flame, the flame went out because a flame needs oxygen to burn and when it was surrounded by CO2 there was no oxygen.

3.) Hydrogen Gas

Hypothesis: If the water evaporates and turns into a liquid, then the gas will not ignite because it still have oxygen in the gas.

Observations: When the zinc was combined with the HCI, the liquid started bubbling and crackling. The zinc dissolved inside of the HCI. When the gas was ignited, there was a small burst and then the liquid had flames on the surface because of the gases that were being put out.

Solar energy and wind energy are both good sources of natural energy. Wind energy uses giant windmills that when the are turn they power a turbine that consumes energy from that rotation of the blades.

4.) Air pressure

Hypothesis #1: If we place the heated can with vapor inside and place it in the ice bath, then it will freeze and turn into a solid.

Hypothesis #2: IF we have the opening on the bottom of the ice bath, then it will exploded under the pressure.

Observations #1: When we had the opening on the top of the can not submerged, nothing happened.

Observations #2: When the we place the can face down into the ice bath, the can was crushed under the pressure.

In the article, it talked about how the air pressure on Earth has changed over hundreds of years. Its also said that air pressure can affect othher natural things such as rain fall and temperature. The pressure in the air can affect the rain by having the pressure basically squeeze the rain right out of the cloud because there is no other place for it to go. The temperature is affected because if is it colder, then there is more pressure because cold areas are more dense.

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